Oct 1, 2018

Simmering ink to reduce it

What a mess.  This has been an interesting couple of weeks.  I tried cooking the walnut hulls in the house and Sweetie got a little upset at the smell.  So I had to take everything outside.  My sense of smell left years ago so I'll have to take his word for it. 

I found a big electric roaster at the thrift store for a few dollars and I had a friend give me an old electric frying pan.  Both of these work great for cooking outside but I really need to make myself an outdoor kitchen.  

Simmering in the backyard
Strained mash of walnut hulls

I did as much as I could outside but really needed to get some ink reduced and talked Sweetie into letting me come back in the house if I turn the fan on high in the kitchen and try to blow the smell outside.  It didn't work for the smell, but he was sweet to let me in with the stuff.  (I promised to find a way to do it outside next time).

Simmering in the kitchen

My partially cleaned up aftermath

This is my big jar of ink.  Its beautiful.  

Final pot of ink

 Just for fun I tried a few things with this batch of ink, adding a few things to see if it might help the flow or smell.

A few additives I tried

Gum Arabic is nice, it really helps the ink stick to the paper and helps it dry out faster.
Glycerin helps it stay wet longer, I think this would be nice to use with an ink pad.
Lavender smells nice, but it messes with the viscosity of the ink.
Borax, baking soda, frankincense...you can tell Sweetie really wants me to fix this smell.  I don't know if I can without changing the ink but it doesn't hurt to try. 

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