Apr 10, 2011


When I was about three or four living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, my sister, Valerie and I had a cute little dog named Dobie.  One of our favorite past-times was to slide him down the laundry shoot to the basement and have him land in a basket full of laundry.  As far as we knew, he loved it.  Actually he was probably terrified of us.  But a sweet little dog nonetheless.

I've been looking for a picture of him in the boxes of old photographs I've got and couldn't find one anywhere.  I'm sure I've seen a picture of him, unless my memory of him is clearer than I thought it was.  I googled around for a dog that sort of looked like him and even though this isn't quite right, its close.  He was a little smaller and a darker brown.

Do you have a favorite pet from a long time ago that you still think about?  I miss Dobie.

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