Mar 16, 2011

Being in charge

This job at The Alterations Shop has been the coolest thing since peanut butter.  And along the way I'm learning all sorts of things about dealing with customers and being the one in charge.

Today I had a bride come in with her somewhat overbearing mother.  This girl needed straps for a sleeveless wedding gown so I proceeded to fit her with a muslin strap so we could determine where the finished satin strap should sit and how wide it ought to be.  I asked her how she liked this, and how she liked that, and then the mother stepped in and completely took over.  okaaaaaaaaaaay.  She positioned the straps here and there, and not being in a mood to pick a fight and take over again, I let her do her thing.

Then the girl wanted the front of her neckline to be a little "pinched" or pleated so it would scoop down an inch or so.  I tried a few things but she wasn't happy.  The mother was trying to stay polite but I could tell she wasn't very pleased with how things were going.

We finally got it somewhat resolved, but on the way home I thought about the experience.  I was not happy.  I felt so out of sorts and embarrassed with how the fitting went.  Then it dawned on me.  I wasn't the one in charge.  I am very confident in my skills but sometimes I think I'm too "nice" and I don't come across very professionally when I get like that.  I realized that that mother probably would have been happier if I had just taken the time to exude a little more authority and strength.

Or maybe it's just her.  You can't please everyone.  I like my job and I'm good at it.
Thanks for letting me rant.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when I have customers like that i want to speak my mind, but then i know i'd lose ALOT of business for Morelia. haaaa, so i have to bite my tongue. because i would be mean.
